Thursday, May 19, 2005

Once, Twice, Three times a lady...

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Alright, look, I got the whole "Lille-will-do-whatever-it-can-to-screw-up-your-life-thing" already. Think again, France, think again. It's actually getting more and more comical at this point, and not like, tragical comical, more like shakespearian comical comical.

Last night, as I'm sitting on the cement floor in the basement, at one in the morning, in Tim's gymshorts, not having showered for two days, trying to pry open the washing machine with a butter knife (which lives in the basement for just that purpose), so that it might relinquish every single pair of pants that Carrie and I own, I thought to myself: ha. Ha. hee hee hee. what?

And then I realized that this place is beyond the twilite zone.

This morning I woke and walked to the showers. But when I noticed that they were both locked though no water was running, I knocked on both doors. Nothing. Apparently, the showers flooded the other day and they have since been locked. Which means trecking up to the second floor to bath. Which I LOVE, especially since most people on the first floor will just hold out because they'd rather be dirty than walk up the stairs.

Mostly I spent the whole day studying (called revising by Europeans) for my British Civilization Oral Exam. It was actually quite nice because I learned everything there is to know about the Tudor and Stewart dynasties (success!) and the only thing I was asked about was William III and the problem of the Catholic Pretenders. This is what I like, lots o' knowledge and then a ten minute quiz. I'll take two, please. With fries and a coke.

I still have three finals, a paper and a makeup assignment which, I'm afraid, will be thwarted by the discovery that, for some reason, my computer saved every AIM conversation that I had between November 28th, 2004 and March 7, 2005. If I currently had access to AIM that wouldn't be a problem, but since I've been deprived of witty banter I have to settle for nostalgia.... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

I have to say, reading my conversations with Tim from the pre-dating era is an exericize in hind-sight. I was totally retarded for him, and the two of us are an intellectual force to be reckoned with. Although, I have to admit, evidence suggests I might also be partially retarded for Kacie, but who isn't?

Anyway- that was the first oral exam I've ever taken and I'm going to pretend that it was like a tiny practice round for someday defending my thesis. Tiny the way that watching Wimbledon on TV is practice for the olympic swim team, but still, practice makes perfect.

Phrase du jour: Vive Charles De Gaulle! Sauf qu'il est mort. -Yannick (Long live Charles de Gaulle! Except that he's dead.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    You have to walk to showers... That sounds lame. You shold fly to showers. Way more interesting. or ski. Hey, they hired me at Ren Fest. You know what that means. Oh yea. You better hurry through Europe and get back to the fake Europe in Larkspur. That's what that means. Have you read my comic yet? I see no disparaging comments about your head being too big, or "I wouldn't say that" or "How come you're so much cooler than me?"
