Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I would buy myself a gray guitar...

roxie and her lobster Posted by Hello
So... I haven't been totally worthless while in French-Land (as mon petit singe calls it). For one of my classes we had to create a self-portrait and write about it in French. I'm a bit perplexed because I made a 19, which is the grade equivalent of Jesus having written the paper for me. The teacher commented that she was more impressed with my paper than with even the native speakers. Hmmmmmm...

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, ye teacher who gave me a D in translation.

Anyway that's a functioning maze with two converging routes behind my head. The moutains are all tiny words. The face, hands and lobster are all stippled (tiny dots). The robes are pencil. I like art. If you like art too you can see more pics and a couple of D.C. here.

Tim says roxie is beautiful Posted by Hello
PS: Quit complaning that I'm not on Facebook. I have my eye on you. This means you, Mr. Brookshire, with your haters' club. And Chris Comeaux can shut it, too.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Look! Look! There's Flat Stanley! You are the awesomest.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Hey, you should go look at my pictures of Toga and the puppies.
    go to
    and the album name is kristinballard

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Beautiful beautiful beautiful. We should do a joint art show sometime. Why haven't we dont that before?

  4. I'm talking to Bruce Allan now... maybe you and I can work something out. We are geniuses.
