The only picture I took today. Taste it.

Tim and I ventured to The Mall (meaning the US Capital Building, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial) all of which I only looked at from a distance because we went straight past it all and-- TA DA! To the Holocaust Museum.
For nine million years I have wanted to go there, and today I got to go and depress my head off for four full hours. It's interesting to study something for a whole semester (The Holocaust in Art, Literature and Film with Dr. Nicoletti) and then go see it in real life. I think I read an entire book about the US Holocaust Memorial and then-- ah yes, just as heart breaking as they said it was.
Instead of carrying on with depressing facts I will instead say this and let it go: appreciate peanut butter pie like you have never appreciated anything because it is clearly easier than you'd think for an evil dictator to ruin the world.
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