you have a bird between your legs

Last night Tim had a dream that his sinus infection won't get better until they choose a new Pope. In all my years of amateur dream-interpretation I have no idea what that means.
Right now I am not:
1)Writing a paper about England in English, nor about myself in French, reading Kafka's metamorphosis, Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful or Waiting for Godot, nor am I translating things back and forth between two languages.
2) Eating popsicles and sleeping in the sun (because they mowed the grass and my face will swell up like a carnie at a cotton-candy stand).
3) Tim-ing, because he's at work.
That means that I am officially doing nothing beneficial to myself and the world something needs to change. Or I could just sit here and yack.
Yesterday we went to the National Zoo (don't you love how they can call everything "national" just because it's in DC? This is the National Blog, experience the awe.) and I learned about, um, not a lot, but I did get to see lots of fuzzy things. Didn't get to see Giant Pandas or Invertebrates (read: octopi): disappointment would ensue if I hadn't had an excellent green curry for dinner.
Moral of the story: If the girl's bathroom is all the way on the other side of the building and you're too lazy to walk that far-- don't try to cut down of energy expenditure by showering in the guys bathroom (which is right across the hall) for the following reasons:
-Just because it's empty when you sneak in doesn't mean it will be empty for long.
-No amount of shampoo can masque the HORRID smell of guys in the morning.
-Some guy will accidentally toss his shampoo into your stall and you will get caught.
-You will still feel dirty when you walk across the urine-stained floor.
Let that be a lesson to you, Missy.
Did the Flat Stanley make it to you??? Let me know.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought- why is your Yahoo name Roxie White when that is not infact your last name??? I am bad with last names (unless that is what we call people - like Collette), so now i feel dumb and I hate you a little for that. Not really.
Funny story- My screen-name has been Roxie White since Al Gore invented the internet. My dad used to sing the Bobby Darrin song like this: "Oh the shark bites with his teeth, Dear, and he keeps them Roxie-white." I consistently sign important documents this way (my bank has never commented on it) and nearly everyone I know thinks that's my last name. Even my family members address packages and write checks to me as "Roxie White." I've come to consider myself the Snow-white of Rock and Roll.
ReplyDeleteOkay. Stupid Centenary sent out a conglomerate email and it said Smith and I got confused and irritated (which is not a very becoming combination on me).
ReplyDeleteIs it just me, or does it totally look like Tim isn't wearing pants. Naughty.