Friday, March 25, 2005

Be what you would seem to be...

Yes, Mad as a March Hare and this is a picture of me today, lounging by the pool. This is a great country.

I took my first(!) test today... it was sickeningly easy and I refuse to hope that the rest of my tests will be like it. Instead of telling you about any of that other boring stuff I'm going to write you a small poem:

Bone dust is the bottom of the ocean
the hills are made of bone dust too.
All the letters lay in piles,
locked in books that look like
strange aquatic creatures,
and you are a house in a tree
from which I watch and love
the words.

I need a Mad Hatter, or to have Had Matter.

This post is dedicated to my dad, without whom I would never be able to be comfortably insane.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Oh my God, ew. Is that a hot dog made into an octopus? How ick. I can't believe you made me look at that at 9 in the morning.

  2. Anonymous12:39 AM


  3. Anonymous1:03 AM

    I just got the internet in my new house today, thank GOD. I spent the better part of the evening reading all your posts that I missed in the past month.

    Your blog is so refreshing. I firmly believe that most everything on the internet is drivel, but your post makes the whole thing, loving created by Al Gore, worth it.

    I hope things are well, and you ROCK IMMENSELY for the post card. If you happen to ever be in Arkansas, you have a place to stay.

    -Ashlie D.

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Where's my postcard, you whore????? Jenkins won't love you anymore unless you send us one. We moved though. Send it to Jason's parents house.

  5. How am I to send a postcard if I don't have an exact address? Email me. And Jenkins will always love me.
