Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Les Jeux Sont Faits

W. T. F. ???

This morning: my first french class. What I caught is that it's about J. P. Sartre, who was a philosopher and who may or may not have liked things that were depressing. And that we may or may not have to read lots of books that people find challenging in English. And that there may or may not be a test, someday. Around April.

I'm trying not to be nihilistic... by that I mean I'm trying not to think that nothing can be known or communicated. But I have to say, I'm awefully excited about my South African lit class that's in English. I didn't think is was possible to miss the word "um," which is replaced in french by the sound, "euuuuu."

Oh yes, I keep forgetting to mention this. The toilet paper here is pink. Like, pink-ish purple. Like pink-ish purple-ish brown. It's lovely in it's own, disturbing, sort of way.

And kleenexes come in boxes that alternate tissues between nursing-home-green and frosting-gold. Also fascinating. I'm quite familiar with this right now as everyone who went to Spain has contracted some sort of throat/sinus infection.

I think it's time for a comfort hot dog/denial nap.

Phrase du Jour: Je m'en fou. (I don't give a damn.)


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    How existential of you! But have you ever asked the question WHY the tissue is alternates colors?
    Please, go to the deeper meaning of this question. When you have done that, you will be ready for life.

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I'm allergic to colored toilet paper (always have been). Seems I am not designed for international travel..
