Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mail Call

This arrived in the mail today. I'm not sure I'm supposed to be reading this, since he stresses three times that the postcard is addressed to him.

However, one way or another, this affirms that my boyfriend is a poet (and that he may or may not remember what my name is).


  1. OH MY GOD. tooo funny!

  2. I talked to him about it on the phone yesterday and him trying to explain it only made it worse... I was *rolling* laughing so hard. Sigh... it's not even a special postcard. He got it for free somewhere. I love this so much.

  3. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Tim should moonlight at Hallmark- "Send a Card to Yourself" division. I just sent five cards to myself and I couldn't be happier! Now I look forward to checking the mail!

  4. I just noticed on the front that it says "The Time is Venao." Really? That's much dumber that what i did.

  5. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Tim, there is nothing dumb about what you did- what you did is brilliant- you went to a place I wish I could be all the time.

  6. I agree; I don't think what you did is dumb. This is the best postcard I've ever gotten in my life. It merely proves my aforementioned hypothesis that you are exceptional (and hilarious).

    You're right about one thing though... the front of the postcard? Notsomuch. I should be on their marketing team. I could do much more with a beautiful location like that.
