Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is IN this container?!?!

So... one person cleaning a refrigerator is a lot less "fun" than two people cleaning a refrigerator. When Tim and I clean the fridge together, there's a lot of incredulous laughter as things are thrown into a huge trash bag and forgotten about forever. The burden of identifying, then scrapping, then cleaning... all of that is shared and somehow way less terrifying.

Buuuuut when I cleaned the fridge by myself today, in an effort to preempt the scramble will inevitably take place in the few days between finals and Panama... it went a little more like this:

I mostly spent thirty minutes frantically jamming foul-smelling food that I should have eaten weeks ago down the disposal while shouting, "I'M SORRY, JESUS! I'M SORRY, JESUS" and trying to jump out of the way while it splattered all over the sink, then gingerly cramming glade containers into the dish-washer while trying not to touch or smell them. (Yes, it is possible to "gingerly cram" something.)

So. I guess you can add that to the list of things I don't like doing by myself. Also, the only things I have in the fridge now are pretty much BBQ sauce (Tim's) and chocolate soy milk (I ate all the vegetables). I'm sorry, Jesus.

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