Saturday, September 30, 2006

What in the Sam Hell?

This really is the worst website I've ever seen in my entire life:

The /kidsrabies/ part at the end there should be a sign.

I would say that they should be reported to the Government, except that it's A GOVERNMENT WEBSITE. The scientist-types who made this website have clearly never met a child before–though I suppose that if handling rabies-infected brains is what you do all day, you wouldn't have many chances to babysit, would you?

If you don't feel inclined to check it out, here's an overview: It's a children's website for rabies education. Except that the "activities" section has a lovely picture of a disected brain in petrie dish and the "warning signs" section (which has a very kid-friendly icon) features this enlightening list:

Signs of rabies in animals include:

  • changes in an animal’s behavior
  • general sickness
  • problems swallowing
  • an increase in drool or saliva
  • wild animals that appear abnormally tame or sick
  • animals that may bite at everything if excited
  • difficulty moving or paralysis
  • death
I'm sorry, what did you say Billy? Oh, you say you think the dog has rabies? Does he have any of the signs? Say, oh, general sickness or death? Death? I'm sure glad you played those fun rabies games online!

Sorry this post isn't about anything real... I seriously need to stop poking about on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Games and a colouring book!?!?!? The brain thing is rather creepy. Nice photos. I guess we really don't want to shelter our children. :) I think I'll have to send this to Grandpa Dave for his amusement and edification. I know he'll need a program he can pass out to his clients' children....
