Monday, January 23, 2006

Concrete vs. My Leg

Warning: the pictures at the bottom of this post are a disgusting attempt to share my fascination with my wounds with YOU. How lucky you are. But seriously, if gross things make you unhappy, this is fair warning not to go all the way to the bottom of the post.

Last Tuesday I fell while walking to work and landed on my knee and the top of my foot. Needless to say, it was not pleasant, but I thought: "it can't be so bad, I'll check my mail and then see if it still hurts." (the P.O. is in the same building as my job, so this is not some 8-mile treck, lest you think I'm tougher/dumber than I am) Well, when I left the postoffice with blood dripping into my shoe, and someone looked at me with the great concern you show someone who has just betrayed the fact that they're psychopathic... I went to the nurse.

Turns out I hurt myself pretty badly and have been ritualistically bathing myself in Neosporin everyday.

Now, here's the part where some clarification might be necessary. I lived my life relatively accident-free. I was bitten by a dog and lost a pint of blood in 1995 and I got out of PE for six months because of it, but I also lied to my gym teacher about how serious it was(n't).

This wound is out of my realm of experience. It's not that bad, but I'll be damned if I don't feel like it's some kind of trophy. This is why I felt it absolutely appropriate to commemorate the event with photographic evidence. I'm telling you, the photos don't do it justice.

I have to take this opportunity to thank Tim from the deepest abysms of my gimped heart. (I'm not sure how many of those words were legitimate words.) He saved me a lot of pain and trouble and was very gracious about running errands and fetching things for me while I rolled around like a fat, broken goat. Had I carried on much longer, he surely would have put rat poison in my milkshakes. Actually, I don't think I got any milkshakes, but had I asked, it would have been my dying request, I'm sure.

Anyway, that's enough. I like wounds. They're scientific.


  1. It's probably a good thing the pictures don't come in clear on my computer....
    Me :)

  2. Can we get these in a wallet size?

    Heal soon!

    Me 2 :D

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    That is sick.

  4. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Heeeey friggin retard! watch where you're goin!

  5. You know who wouldn't have a problem with a little skinned knee, this guy.
