Friday, November 11, 2005

What you missed

So, what I meant to tell you about the week before is that Sunday night my advisor called me and asked if I wanted to give a speech and present the award-winning author Bobbie Anne Mason with Centenary's award for literary excellence, the Corrington award. After about fifteen minutes of freaking out and thinking "why did they ask me of all people? I can't give an introduction in front of the entire freshman class!" Then I remembered that the freshman class is entirely too lazy to come to manditory award ceremonies for famous authors and that it would make me feel totally rightous in my egotism if I said yes. Oh yeah, and the speech only had to be 4-minutes long. So I said yes. Go here for cute pictures.

So last Wednesday I got to hang out with Bobbie Anne Mason (who was a finalist for the pulitzer prize- cha CHING!) and eat free care of the English department all day, then dress up and give a speech and do that "pose holding the medal" thing. It was neat, basically.

Last weekend was also Rhapsody in View, the Choir's big concert. I've been four years in a row and this was the best yet. The choir is MASSIVE and well, they're singin' fools. Banquet afterwards was good too except that Tim's parents are so nice and sociable and almost everyone elses are so... not.

After that "Hell Week" started for the TKEs which means the pledges sang to me and Blaine recited the poem he composed for me:

When we, the pledges, think of beauty,
We think of you.
The one who walks this campus
With a heart so full of the right kind of passion,
TKE passion.
The one who is devoted to best brotherhood around.
Tau Kappa Epislon
This fine model of feminine appeal
Pumps TKE blood.
She is a TKE girl, tried and true.

We love you, you see, because
As us pledges walked upon this campus,
For the past few Wednesdays,
You never hesitated to say,
“My look at those pretty pledges on pretty pledge day.”
Your soul lies in the memorable mud pit,
Which became our memorable horse race.
Your memory will be framed with our brothers and us,
So as to never forget who are first sweetheart was.

You see,
We are the fortunate ones,
O yea we pledges are,
Because come Valentine’s Day,
You will be ours.
Tim will have to deal with it,
You are not just for him,
Because honestly,
Would rather have just 1 senior
Or two sophomores plus fourteen freshmen?

So in professing our love,
To our one and only,
We wish you the best TKE year of your life,
And soon,
You will no longer have sixteen loyal pledge followers,
But you’ll have 46 brothers,
All hailing,
The sweetheart so foxy,
That she can only be called one thing…Roxie.

Normally I wouldn't brag and post the whole thing but really, who wouldn't be thrilled to have a poem composed for them that wasn't written by a stalker or, well, no, I think stalkers are the only people who write creepy poems about other people. Anyway, Blaine isn't a stalker, he's just totally hot fot TKE, as we all should be.

I'd write more if this headache I've had since Sunday would go away, but that doesn't look probable so I'll go to bed. Vive la weekend. Just one more week before I get to go home.


  1. Just what we all need, more road construction safety equipment. If everyone would just buy more, this world would be perfect.....

    Don't forget, you get your looks and special personality from me :)
    Love, love, love!!!

  2. Okay well, You got some pretty good stuff from your dad too...

  3. It's probably a good thing Roxie doesn't look just like her dad- people might call her Joanie Lenownie. :)
