Thursday, October 06, 2005

Novelty Items: On Sale

What's black and white and red all over? The Conglomerate, covered with my blood and anguish from laying it out and making it readable for 13-straight hours every Wednesday.

I walked into my advisors office the other day to make some changes to my schedule and before I could sit down she says: "Something has to change. You can't go on like this." Was that really what she said? Did I hear her correctly? I took a quiz that said I was a candidate for heart disease because of my stress level. Can that be right?

The past six weeks have been a never-ending rollercoaster of commitment. I can count on the fingers of one hand the things I've done that didn't have a deadline: TKE Bid-week, Pirate party, hanging out with my Dad, seeing the Penguin movie, eating sushi with Sarah and Kacie.

But I think (hope, pray, wish, rejoice) that that may be changing. Last night I laid out THE PAPER in the Conglomerate office and lo-and-behold!!! 4:30!! It was done at 4:30 a.m.! I was in bed by five a.m.! What a relief to have a photographer who can modify pictures, an editor who can edit and an assistant who... assists. I've been terrified that the level to which the newspaper has risen is going to plummet into despair and degradation, but after last night, I really think that every thing is going to be okay. Why does cutting layout time down by an hour and a half matter?

When I left the office I felt great. Thanks to Erin, Curt, Ashley and Tim I felt less alienated by the whole thing and more like I can handle everything else. Oh yeah- and I dropped my Medieval Lit class, which was more of an Evil Lit class than anything else.

Fall break is coming up and all I want to do is clean my beautiful house, work on my women's lit paper (which I love, love, love, love with all my heart) and cook gumbo.

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