Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Resolution Schmesolution

Here's a picture of some donkeys, just to make you happy.
I have once again run out of bookshelf space. 

This isn't really surprising since I obviously have a much bigger problem: my book addiction is still wildly out of control.

I have about 274 books that I own but haven't read yet (not including books on my Kindle).


Under good circumstances, I can read about two books a week--but I don't, because I try to go outside every once in a while. That means that if I stop buying books right now and stop trying to accomplish anything else, I will have all of these books read by July of 2014.

I've never really been a "Resolution" kind of person because that kind of psychology inevitably fails me (and apparently lots of other people too). If I couldn't accomplish something I wanted to accomplish before some arbitrary date, I probably won't be able to accomplish it afterwards. Also, I generally like myself, and don't really want to go through a shame cycle every January.

Ah, the time-honored tradition of the shame cycle.

Nevertheless, last year (in March) I set the goal of reading 50 books in the year because I like goals with definite ends. (NaNoWriMo is a perfect example of this sort of goal.)

"I will work out more," would never cut it as a goal for me because it's not quantifiable. "I will work out 100 times this year" definitely would, not least of all because it would allow me to shop for some kind of notebook where I could cross off days, and after my 100th workout I could probably work out two extra times just to make myself feel extra smug, and then not get off the couch for the rest of the year. Goal accomplished! No guilt needed!

Anyway, I met and exceeded my 2011 goal. I read 64 books, which is enough for me to comfortably cross off the poetry collections and Kindle Singles that don't count and go with a solid 60.

This year, I can't be sure I'll read as many books with the wedding and everything else on deck. Instead, my goal is not to buy any books until I've finished reading at least 10 that I already own.  You heard me, no NEW books, until ten of the sad, lonely books on my "unread" shelf get moved over to the "read" shelf.

It seems like an easy goal, but for me that's like saying I'm not allowed to brush my teeth or eat a half of a chocolate cake by myself. I can and I will.

Be aware that this might increase my number of pleas for books as gifts. If I can't buy them for myself, that doesn't mean I won't try to get them through other nefarious means.

In case you're wondering, I'd really like a copy of Murakami's 1Q84.


  1. Also dying to read 1Q84. I love his crazy books.

  2. I know you do! I haven't read one yet (Really, is anyone surprised?) but where better to start than one that is 900 pages long? Eh? Eh?

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    No no no no. Start Murakami with Kafka on the Shore. You would appreciate the talking cats in Kafka much more than the spaghetti stirring in Wind up Bird Chronicles. Much safer. I would read 1D84 if it didn't cost a million dollars or libraries were smart enough to buy it. Huff. P.S. I made a similar resolution. No more yarn. Until I use the usable ones I have. Uh-huh! OH! And I learned how to knit lace this holiday season. Squee! Fun!

  4. I agree about Kafka. I loved that one... especially the talking cats. But there is some other really f-ed up cat stuff too. Either way, that one kind of reminded me of Lost, so you will probably appreciate it.

    Wind Up Bird is good too, just lots of time spent in a well and an alternate dimension... and some disturbing battlefield torture imagery. Amazing that he can meld all those things together really.
