Thursday, September 23, 2010

Featured Content: Alsn is amazing

Dear everyone,

I knew that my amazing friend Alsn had a blog, but for some reason I'm super self-involved and hadn't actually seen it until today. How do I feel about this? Well, I should feel horrible (ok, I do) but I also feel like I do when I stumble onto one of those random blogs that's wonderful and also written by a stranger. Like: why have I been wasting my time watching NSFW Louis C.K. videos on YouTube?

She is so cool.

Alsn's blog, for sunday morning, is where she shares info about the things that she makes (like ridiculously cute cupcake pin cushions--and notice also the hedgehog in the background) and how you can make them t0o, or, if you're lazy, how you can buy them on her etsy page. You know you love etsy and you know you're a little lazy. I'm just setting you up to win here.

Where Alsn's blog succeeds that mine totally fails is that it's both interesting and useful. I almost can't imagine such a thing.

What really drives me crazy is how I constantly feel the need for art in my life, but I make excuses and I feel like there's never time, but Alsn is so talented and she just does it. And on top of doing it, she shares it with anyone who wants it. I really think she's doing humankind a service here.


  1. ROXIE! What are you doing?! (O_O)
    First of all- you DO art all the time. You just finished an awesome giant afghan, or was it two? You design tattoos and cook like a genius madwoman, read like crazy and give great book reviews that make me want to read everything, and your blog is poetry! C'mon! If you don't see your book reviews, recipes, museum raves, and general zeal for life as being "useful" then you've just got a skewed way of lookin' at things! Besides, everyone blogs for a different reason. We have totally different blogs. Yours is very true to you, and that's why I love reading it. ^_^

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Very cool, indeed! My questions is- do the cupcakes come in chocolate?
