Exhibit A: I essentially gave up all semblances of a social life or a functional relationship to compose piles and piles of... stuff. I see evidence that other people do that every once in a while, but--as Kacie so gently reminds me--I am a raging nerd. It's sort of become my life. So instead of wiiing, corn-holing or otherwise involving myself with my friends, I wrote. But what I learned was that I love writing about poetry. I could write volumes about poetry and never get tired. Same goes for art. I could write a manifesto on the need for art and poetry without blinking an eye. The same does not apply to Jesus. Not that Jesus can't write about poetry, but that I don't want to spend the rest of my life writing about Jesus.
In the quest to decide what I want to study in grad school, that's a major revelation. Je ne pense pas que je voudrais étudier le Français, donc... that leaves gender studies, English, and professional writing.
On the other side of a very difficult week, I feel completely honored and utterly flabbergasted to report that I won four awards this week.
The second was the M. T. Brewerton Award for English, which I got (with two other people) for being a good kid and trying real hard. It's for high GPA and general awesomeness. It mostly just makes me feel warm and fuzzy and I kind of want to hug all of my English professors.
Third and fourth, I placed first in the Humanities portion of the Student Research Forum, largely through Dr. Kim's persistence and interest in my topic. (There were only four presenters so I'm not going to pretend that I beat back a throng of PhD candidates, only a small throng of other swamped, trying-to-graduate types.) And the French Department (AKA Dr. Kress) gave me a sizable award for completing my book, which ships on May 7th, and will be BEAUTIFUL.
Mostly, I'm just so thankful for all the opportunities at this school. (Yes Kacie, more ammunition for your anti-nerd mockery). I'm glad I've gone here. I'm glad it took me five years and that I came in with the class of people I did. I occasionally marvel at the general insanity that is Centenary, but it seems to suit me.
All of this was topped with an RCB cherry. It's a marvel how a hotel can book a bunch of Fraternity boys (ahem, men) and their dates--half of whom showed up in sombreros--and not expect a loud, unruly party. This isn't the Texarkana Disgruntled Podiatrists' Association (though I hear they tear it up at dance parties).

At least it's never boring.
You are the MOST amazing person in the whole entire world. It always amazes me that you are so amazing. Not because I never believe that you are amazing or don't expect you to be amazing, but because, you just are so AMAZING!!!!! I'm lucky to know you and eternally moved to have you in my life.
Et Tu multiple awards receiver!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you went there too!
So's you know: I only call you a nerd because it's more becoming than ripping out fistfuls of your hair in rages of jealousy. Which I would only do with utpost love and respect, o' course (and to take your prize money).
ReplyDeletePlus, maybe if I keep reminding everyone you're a *successful* nerd, they'll stop confusing us (since I'm only a part-time, mediocre nerd).
(I promise it's just jealousy, and that I will get over it. Someday..)
Just think of all the prizes and big, fat checks you could have won over the years if you'd heeded my gangsta advice sooner. Speaking of--have you received your giant cardboard check from the Business Office yet? It will be the one made out to Roxanne "Yeah, that was a good essay" Smith, World-Traveling LoC Nerd and Charter Member of the Grammar Brigade. Or something like that.
ReplyDeleteI love reading this!