Thursday, December 30, 2004

Fala Fala la lala fa fa

Jaunting finished, presents opened and properly marveled at, holiday cheer evenly distributed. Now people can stop wearing those bright red sweaters everywhere they go. Did anyone else see those signs along Yuree drive that say: "Put the Christ back in Christmas?" I want the Catholics to put a sign up that says: "Put the Mass back in Christmas." But only because I think Catholics are neat-o.
Speaking of Mass, I got to see Tim sing with his high school church choir on the Eve and since it was a candlelight service everyone left with hot wax all over them. It was a jolly affair. A big, dark room full of people holding lit candles that reflected off the chandeliers... like a heavy metal love ballad for Jesus, only no one was wearing a Led Zepplin t-shirt.
Anyway, at the annual white-elephant party I got a surge protector. Neat. Tim got a deflated weather balloon and a Polish tool kit... and my grandpa told him that I said he was ugly. I think it was a success. Unfortunately, my 9-year old cousin, Cheyenne, ended up with my gift, which was a six bottles of cologne and a caraffe of musk. Subsequently, the ranch smelled like a gigolo and I take the blame.
If you've never seen Tim eat six king-size Hershey bars in two days, I recommend it.
Jingle Jingle

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