Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tolstoy Treats: UPDATE

Thinking about the potential freedom of getting to read independently was seriously making it impossible to concentrate, especially since my desk faces my "unread books" bookshelf, which is either shamefully or awesomely burdened with books depending on how you feel about personal libraries (and personal budgeting).

I also kept thinking about the books I put on my Christmas wish list and whether or not it's evil to buy one for yourself ahead of time. I went to Borders for the first time in months today, and it was like falling off the wagon. Falling off the wagon.

I haven't been to Borders in so long I feel like my sponsor should give me a chip. Aaaaaand today they should take it away.

Anyway, this is my current short-list. I'm not fishing for gifts here. I'm posting this because these are all books I've heard nothing but great things about, and though I haven't read them, you might be looking for a read or a gift idea. Trust me, you don't really want to know about the books I've been reading for class, so this in lieu of a book review.

Anyway, so my solution to my book dilemma was to buy myself a book that wasn't on this list, wrap it, and stick it under the tree. I'm not telling what it is because... it's a surprise ('cause it's a gift, get it?). I can open it and read it when my last paper is turned in. And hopefully now I can stop thinking about it!


  1. I put The Hunger Games Trilogy on my Christmas list too. What? It's freaking Battle Royale for teenagers and it's supposed to be awesome. I can't wait to read it. Also, another good friend of mine has been raving over Snow Crash. It's on my list too.

  2. Oh, and "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks." I almost bought it in Panama but didn't want to carry anything else home in my suitcase and am still wishing I had bought it.

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    You are a kook! A KOOK! I miss the kook. Sorry things fell through at Georgetown. Hopefully you got some more reading in. ^_^ You've got quite a list of books, there...

  4. I know you claim that you aren't a book person, but I know about you, Miss Alsn. You're secretly kookie too.
