Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brain Explosion

I shouldn't be blogging.

I should be writing a paper. I'm just excited because I've officially reached Grad School Critical Mass Level 1. I'm not going to kid myself and pretend that this is real critical mass because I don't have a job and I'm not working on my thesis or my oral exam yet, but I do "finally" have not just buckets and buckets of reading, but like super-human amounts of writing, reading, presenting, and things I'm supposed to be attending on top of this bizarre cold that won't get worse or better, but just sits on my chest and face like a troll.

Why is this exciting? I have no idea. I'm weird. It's not like I'm accomplishing anything. When I have tons of reading, I can read for seven hours a day; I'm fairly certain I'm the only person in my class who actually reads every word. Now, however, I've entered the procrastination zone, which mostly just entails stacking and restacking my piles of articles and books like a fortress around my laptop. Maybe while I'm making lunch the words will seep from the books into the laptop and my paper will magically assemble itself.

Most likely not. Most likely I'll bring lunch to my desk, get cream cheese all over my fortress, and have to start from scratch.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "...sits on my chest and face like a troll." What an apt simile. Har har.
