Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Bacon Broccoli Macaroni and Cheese

Yes--I know it's been over a month since I've written. In a very literal sense, my computer and I have not been on speaking terms. The day after Tim and I got back from Texas my hard drive wiped itself out with maniacal efficiency, taking with it all my wedding plans (including my current guest list), my novel*, and all of my organized and edited pictured of Peru. If you never got to see my slideshow of Peru pictures, well, you never will. If you got a save-the-date but for some reason don't get a wedding invitation... please don't feel bad, it's only because my computer saw fit to erase you... you're still invited.


I've been burying my hard drive recovery woes in comfort food.  Last night I made this ridiculously delicious meal.  All of the measurements are guesstimates because I just sort of make these things up. We'll see.

Bacon and Broccoli Mac and Cheese

1 box penne pasta (1lb)
2 small or 1 large head of broccoli, chopped (makes about three cups--use the stems too)
1/2 lb bacon, diced small
1 lg white or yellow onion, diced
2 tsp butter**
1/3 cup flour
2 1/2 cups milk
3 cups grated cheese (I used queso cheese and colby jack, but a sharp cheddar would be good. Really whatever.)
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
salt and lots-of-pepper

Bring a lage pot of salted water to a boil for the pasta, and cook pasta one minute less than suggested cooking time.

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce in a second large pot or dutch oven. Over medium-high heat, cook bacon, stirring frequently, for about five minutes. Add in diced onion and a dash of salt and cook for another five minutes, stirring occasionally, until onions are semi-translucent. Add in broccoli and two tablespoons butter and cook for another one or two minutes, tossing so that broccoli is covered with the greases from the pan. (**If your bacon is really greasy you will not need the butter.)

Sprinkle flour over the contents of the pan and toss to coat evenly. You want to be sure that the flour and the grease are mixed together and coat everything evenly.  Cook for another 2 minutes or so.

Slowly pour in milk while stirring and scraping the brown wonderful bits from the bottom of the pan. Bring to a simmer.

Add in cheese (reserving 1/2 cup), Paprika, Worcestershire Sauce, and salt and pepper. Stir until cheese is melted and sauce is smooth. Taste to make sure the seasoning is right.

Drain cooked pasta and fold into cheese/broccoli/bacon sauce.

Transfer mixture to baking dish or leave in dutch oven and top with remaining cheese (or just more cheese, if that floats your boat) and bake at 375 for 20 minutes.

Try it with Sriracha sauce on top. To die for.

*I have a word document of the novel, but my Scrivner file, which contains all my billions of notes, research, and unwritten chapters (don't ask how something can contain something that's unwritten) is lost for now. "I'm not sure the novel is really good enough to start over on," says the quitter. UGH. Ask me in a week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I made this last night. Yes, fabulous. I could have eaten the whole potful! :)
