Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Feliz cumpleaños a ti...

Went to a Spaniard's birthday party last night. He got condensed milk and porkchops from his friends and everyone sang the birthday song standing on chairs.

French people in summer look like gypsies and I nominate myself to steal their beautiful clothes.

Last night we also to went to an Easter "dinner party" and it was basically disguting and, like anything from Sedexho, it made everyone sick to their stomachs. This is a severe let down after the dinner party held by the Finnish girls who know how to throw down proper. But we took marvelous before and after pictures.

Oh, and because everyone's been whining that I haven't appropriately emmersed myself in french culture (because I haven't been to Paris and I'm not the President of the Cannes Film Festival) I took this picture just fo you. Appreciate france THAT.

And in case that wasn't enough, here are some boring pictures of buildings in Calais, along with some others that aren't quite as boring and may in fact be less boring than whatever cleaning/homework you could be doing.

I'm going to go back outside and enjoy this rediculously beautiful sunshine and start planning how much I'm going to eat for dinner because I think I can fit the whole refridgerator in my mouth. Spring France is a whole different pineapple-underwater cake from the France of January. Let's all do the dance for that!


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Roxie, I hate you a little bit right now because you have a cheese stand and I don't. Jason told me that you think I'm funny. I don't know why he felt like he had to tell me that, because everybody knows I'm funny. Come home and play with us, because we're moving to a new house.

  2. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I hope that everyone is as desperately bored as I am, and that they all continually check these post—because I have something to say. Despite the millions of miles between us, roxie and I continue to live (somewhat) parallel lives. We both have the loss of loved ones, the self-imposed boyfriend separation, and the ability to remain wonderful sisters without actually talking. To roxie, thank you so much for your letter. I can't tell you how much it meant to me. I love you so much and can't wait to see you again. This summer is going to be great, later baby-cakes.
